We receive annual, bi-annual and quarterly dividends from our ETF and Share portfolios. We try to ensure that dividends are received every month based on the payment dates for the ETFs and shares. Monthly updates of the dividend income received can be found here.
The aim is for the 2016 dividend income received to reach S$5,000 by the last update of the year.
We receive bi-annual and monthly interest from our bond holdings and cash in savings accounts. We try to invest in Singapore corporate bonds for a higher return instead of the Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs). We also look to maximise the interest rate on our cash holdings in Singapore and Australia. I should post information on our bonds, wholesale life policies and investment cash holdings separately. For now, I shall call it the Other Portfolio and you can find a snapshot here. Monthly updates of the interest income received from this Other Portfolio and the rest of our cash holdings can be found here.
The aim is for the value of the Other Portfolio to reach S$150,000 by 31 Dec 2016.
The other aim is for the 2016 interest income received to reach S$5,000 by 31 Dec 2016.
This will mean that the goal is for the 2016 passive income received to reach S$10,000 by the last update of the year. Again, given the 10 year timeframe for this journey to Financial Independence, it’s important to have numerical goals every year to track our progress on our passive income received.