Automated Investing for July 2017
Maybank Kim Eng Monthly Investment Plan (Maybank KE MIP)
- Buy 29 units of SPDR STI ETF (ES3 on SGX) at S$3.29 per unit on 10 July 2017
- Buy 90 units of Nikko AM REIT ETF (CFA on SGX) at S$1.065 per unit on 10 July 2017
- Transaction costs of S$2
POSB Invest-Saver
- Buy 30 units of Nikko AM STI ETF (G3B on SGX) at S$3.39 per unit on 18 July 2017
- Buy 85 units of ABF SG Bond ETF (A35 on SGX) at S$1.168 per unit on 18 July 2017
- Transaction cost of S$1.50
OCBC Blue Chip Investment Plan
- Buy 439 units of Nikko AM STI ETF (G3B on SGX) at S$3.40 per unit on 24 July 2017
- Transaction cost of S$5
Total invested amount in ETFs of about S$1,900 using Automated Investing for July 2017 with transaction costs of S$8.50.
Manual Investing
Nil for July 2017.
Robo-Advisor Investing
- Funds transfer of S$200 invested in US-listed ETFs excluding annual fees based on total S$ investment
- Funds transfer of S$200 invested in US-listed ETFs excluding annual fees based on total S$ investment
Hi finance smith, can you share how your transaction fees for KE MIP and POSB Invesrsaver is so low? Isn’t there a min charge of $10 per transaction per counter? I am interested to get started on a RSP ETF account so am looking for a cost effective platform. Can I also ask why you invest in NIKKO in both MIP and POSB instead of consolidating in one provider?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Cindy,
There is no minimum commission charges of S$10 on the Maybank KE MIP and POSB Invest-Saver. However, there is a minimum investment amount of S$100, which means a minimum commission charge of S$1.
It depends on the monthly investing amount of your RSP ETF that should determine which platform is more cost effective. Generally, anything below S$500 and you can consider going with Maybank KE MIP or POSB Invest-Saver. Anything above S$500 and you can consider going with OCBC BCIP.
The main reason for the overlap is that the purchase dates for our MIPs (even if the same ETF) are different and they are held separately by my wife and I.
How is your transaction cost so low?
Hi Robert,
The normal transaction cost/fee/commission for our POSB and Maybank Monthly Investment Plans (MIPs) is about 1%. However, the transaction cost/fee/commission for my OCBC MIP is about 0.3%. I wouldn’t say it’s low overall since it’s possible to be even less if you use brokerages to make your own purchases.
Hi Smiths!
I recall some time before you moved your blog that you had done a link from Yahoo Finance to your Google Sheets. The formula was most useful in helping me to keep track of my own portfolio.
However, Yahoo Finance has changed their layout and I can no longer extract data from there.
Just wondering if you would have any updates or solutions to this!
Thanks a million and as usual, looking forward to your blog posts.
Hi Jc,
Yup, I had the same problem a while back and could no longer extract data from Yahoo Finance using that formula in Google Sheets. I have since changed it to an IMPORTXML from Bloomberg formula. For example, to extract the STI ETF price from Bloomberg, this is the formula: =IMPORTXML(“”,”//div[@class=’price’]”)
You can change the DBSSTI:SP to another stock/ETF on Bloomberg to apply the formula and get the price. Hope this helps!