There’s been a lot of online commentary about the Astrea V 3.85% Private Equity Bonds so I’m not going to be analysing them here. Last year in Jun 2018, I subscribed to and was allocated S$4,000 of Astrea IV 4.35% Private Equity Bonds. Since the interest rate is lower this time round, I only subscribed to and was allocated S$2,000 of Astrea V 3.85% Private Equity Bonds.
This is an interesting investment type and I reckon it’s worth allocating some funds to it. Besides, the fixed income investment proportion of my portfolio is low so I generally try to subscribe to such retail bonds offerings where possible. As long as the interest rate is above 3.50%. Which is why I did not subscribe to the SIA 3.03% Retail Bond. Plus I usually hold them to maturity.
Anyway, the Maybank Kim Eng Monthly Investment Plan (MIP) has been discontinued from Jun 2019. As such, I have sold off all of my holdings in the prefunded account from my Maybank Kim Eng MIP. I have also increased the investment amounts in our StashAway & Smartly robo-advisors, POSB Invest-Saver and OCBC Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP) to make up for the shortfall.
I invest a minimum amount of S$2,500 every month on an automated basis and it is the DCA component of my portfolio. This is regardless of whether the equity markets go up or down. But when there are significant drops in the equity markets, I do adjust the automatic monthly investment amount upwards but generally keep it at a minimum of S$2,500.