I have updated the numbers on our Net Worth Google Sheet and blog page. Another increase of S$25,000 i.e. +2.30%. The Singapore stock market has been going up recently and this contributed to most of our net worth increase. Overseas stock markets have been rather flat except for China and US stock markets that have gone down. I invested more of our cash into these falling China and US stock markets to buffer against the losses.
Salary income had a boost from receiving the annual bonus for my performance last year (2020). But our cash position has dropped quite a bit as we bought into the dips on tech stocks and cryptos. I expect our CPF balances to go up more than usual in the next months due to that bonus payment and refund from the sale of our property. Overall, Q1 of 2021 has been positive for us in terms of our net worth growth.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
It has also been a period of adjustment as we settled into a routine of us dropping our boy off at my parents-in-law’s place on weekdays so we can focus when working from home. The weeks when we go into the office are tough because it means they have to come and pick our boy up earlier in the day. And we don’t see him until later at night. It looks like Q2 of 2021 will be another period of adjustment as we may have to head into the office more often and our boy is starting preschool at 18 months.
While our financial progress is important, our overall well-being means even more to us. And this is where we are putting most of our effort and time into nowadays. Building a daily life that makes our family happy. It’s incredible when we think about the amount of juggling and balancing we do in all aspects of our lives to work on this. Everything affects one another and when any area starts to deteriorate, it spreads until our overall well-being begins to decline. Such a delicate ecosystem that we really have to keep watching over it.