In the aftermath of the LUNA price collapse, my cash position was running low because I had averaged down on my tech stocks and crypto positions. Based on what I can see from the consequences of the UST de-peg, it seems like regulation is coming hard for stablecoins. I decided to transfer my USDC and USDT holdings from Hodlnaut to, sell them for SGD and transfer the cash out into my bank accounts. Along with the higher than average dividend income to be received this month, it will top up my cash balance to a point where I’m more comfortable in preparing for a possible recession and worsening bear market.
On Coinhako and, I swapped and sold almost all of my remaining crypto holdings into BTC and ETH. Other than de-risk move 1 above by existing my stablecoin positions, this is de-risk move 2 by only having BTC and ETH crypto positions. It’s easier for me to monitor and average down, as well as look out for black swan events that could cause a similar crisis like LUNA/UST. As for my DFI crypto position on CakeDefi, I’m keeping it as my only higher risk crypto holding for possible outperformance compared to BTC and ETH. With these moves, I have reduced my overall number and value of crypto holdings to a level I’m more at ease with for holding long-term without panicking during crisis events.

As I try to take a more macro view of my personal finances, my private property purchase last year was financed with a 2 year fixed rate housing loan. So I was able to lock in a lower rate and not be subject to the recent and upcoming interest rate increases. Whether or not a recession/higher interest rates cause a downturn in the property market is not an area of great concern for me at this time. I bought that private property because my growing family needed a home in an area that we want to live in that has all the benefits we were looking for. The private property purchase was in my name only so I mostly used up our cash and my CPF as the downpayment. While it was expensive, I don’t think we over-reached because I didn’t have to liquidate our investments. So we continue to have a portfolio that serves as a financial buffer for worst-case scenarios.
That being said, our lifeline continues to be our jobs that provide us with monthly salary income. It’s the only thing shielding my family from having to drawdown on our investment portfolio to pay the monthly housing loan instalment and ever increasing living expenses. With the heavy decline in value in the tech stocks and crypto portion of the investment portfolio, the financial buffer is not as big as before. Which means our main concern is watching out for a recession that causes job losses. If this happens to us, then it puts our family at real financial risk. Having to withdraw from an investment portfolio that is falling in value due to losses to pay for climbing family expenses is a very bad outcome. For now, as long as we keep our jobs, we can continue to average down on our existing stocks and crypto positions. If we survive this and get to the recovery, then it can put us in a stronger financial position than before. The key is to maintain that income inflow and weekly Dollar Cost Average investment strategy for as long as possible.