I just updated our end Sep 2020 net worth numbers and they are looking worse than the previous months. Lowest increase in monthly net worth since the market crash in Mar 2020. Which means that the markets have dipped and this explains why I invested more in the last month. I continued to buy ETFs to increase my diversified position in various local and overseas markets. More importantly, I started buying individual stocks whose share prices have fallen significantly that I reckon can benefit from the eventual economic recovery.
However, I expect this to be a long and arduous economic recovery as countries face difficult choices. Between being aggressive by opening up more to save businesses and jobs vs being more cautious by keeping the lockdown in place longer to preserve lives. This is exactly what it means to be stuck between a rock and a hard place as countries take 1 step forward that could result in them taking 2 steps backward. It has been a challenging time for everyone to varying degrees, some worse than others.
This could explain why markets may plateau from this point onwards without any real trend in an upward or downward direction. My strategy is to buy the dips when they happen by keeping a large cash balance on standby. But don’t over-utilise it in my eagerness to generate higher returns because of the low interest rate environment. It’s tempting to invest more cash now to generate higher returns based on a long-term investment horizon. But I have to be patient and wait for more time to pass before I can assess how deep of a hole we are really in.
This may take until next year for me to gain more certainty on any green shots of economic recovery and better understanding of the long-term impact of what we are going through now. In the meantime, my weekly Dollar-Cost Averaging also continues to increase my position in the market just in case an upward trend gets established without me picking up on it. Just like what happened from 2Q2020 to 3Q2020. It’s not easy to figure out when you are looking at the markets on a daily basis as trends form over time. And I can’t seem to be able to zoom my investing lens in and out well enough to work them out.