I have completed the transfer of my ETH holdings from Coinhako to Hodlnaut earlier in the week so they have already started earning interest. Given that DAI is a stablecoin crypto that can also be transferred from Coinhako to Hodlnaut to earn interest, I may start to build up a position in DAI. It’s probably a good way to utilise my excess cash balance in the future since the crypto interest rate is much higher than the bank interest rate. There’s always lots of things happening in the cryptos space and I’m still trying to monitor and understand these developments.
Anyway, Jardine-owned Asian retail giant Dairy Farm International announced its 1H21 earnings more than 2 weeks ago and it was bad. Since then, its share price has fallen significantly. It seems like shopper behaviour during this Covid pandemic is still erratic and given the ongoing restrictions, outlook for the year remains glum. I didn’t have a big position in Dairy Farm International before the announcement but I was consistently averaging down as the share price fell. It has now become one of the major stock holdings in my investment portfolio.
I expect the earnings recovery for Dairy Farm International to start from next year 2022 onwards so I will continue to buy into it if the share price keeps falling for the rest of the year. I don’t have much exposure to this industry sector in my investment portfolio so I’m ok to take a bigger position in it. As long as its Covid-related affecting consumer spending in this area, I have no problem waiting for the eventual recovery. It may take longer than I think but I reckon patience is key for this to pay off.
Photo by Angele J on Pexels.com
As Chinese tech stocks and ETFs continue to fall due to regulatory headwinds, I have also been averaging down on my Alibaba and Lion-OSPL Hang Seng Tech ETF holdings. PinDuoDuo is coming close to my target price for averaging down but JD is not there yet. I’m starting to see the value of opening a secured wealth lending facility with Stan Chart Bank. After all, Stan Chart Bank custodises my investments and I have a housing loan with them. It makes sense to collateralise my assets held with them to increase my investing firepower. Especially in the next 2 years when I will have a low cash balance due to multiple major financial commitments on housing, renovation and car.
I have been resistant for the longest time to using any form of leverage to boost my investments. I found it risky and was not comfortable with the way margin calls can blow up my investment portfolio. Potentially undoing years of financial hard work that laid the foundation of my family’s well-being. However, as I observe the way my fellow bloggers have been using leverage to invest, it does seem possible to deploy it in a disciplined and structured manner. I have yet to apply for the secured wealth lending facility with Stan Chart Bank at this time because I have not figured out its place in my investment portfolio and how to use it in a way that complements my current investing strategy. Or should I just get the facility, start using leverage and figure it out as I go?